主图:杰奎琳·K. 巴顿被授予十大电竞游戏综合排名杰出勋章, 学院的最高荣誉, 在1990年毕业典礼上.

杰奎琳·K. 巴顿

说“DNA先驱”和化学家 杰奎琳·K. 巴顿 74年通常是最先被提及的科学家之一. 巴顿——约翰·G. 柯克伍德和亚瑟. Noyes Professor in the Division of 化学 and Chemical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) — has greatly influenced how researchers think about DNA today. She proved that DNA can facilitate electron transfer chemistry, and she showed how this chemistry can be used to determine how DNA is damaged and repaired. She also applied transition metal complexes to probe recognition and reactions of double helical DNA, designing chiral metal complexes that can recognize nucleic acid sites similarly to DNA-binding proteins. These discoveries are important to better understanding aging and the creation of novel chemotherapeutics for diseases like cancer. 

巴顿’s groundbreaking research inevitably resulted in her being recognized with some of the most prestigious honors and prizes in science before she was even 40 years old: At age 35, 她成为了第一个赢得奥运会冠军的女性 ACS纯化学奖 (1988); at age 39, she won the 麦克阿瑟天才奖基金会奖学金 (1991). 在接下来的二十年里,她被授予 魏茨曼女科学奖 (1998), and President Barack Obama presented her with the 国家科学奖章 (2011),“ 最高荣誉 bestowed upon American scientists and engineers by the president of the United States,等等. 

Caption: 巴顿 (center), receiving the 普利斯特里奖 in 2015.

When 巴顿 won the 国家科学奖章 for her contributions to DNA research, 她和她的丈夫, 化学家和加州理工学院名誉教授彼得·德万说, arguably became the only couple in the United States to share the experience (he 赢得了自己的奖牌 in 2006). “这是一个巨大的荣誉,”巴顿说. “Peter and I were honored for separate work, as we didn’t work together. But our kids were able to go to two 国家科学奖章 ceremonies, and it was terrific.”

J. 巴顿与奥巴马总统
奥巴马总统祝贺巴顿, after honoring her with the country's highest award for a scientist.

巴顿 has also been inducted into the National Academy of Sciences, 美国国家医学院, 美国哲学学会, 以及美国艺术与科学院. 她被授予 普利斯特里奖 in 2015 — the highest award of the American Chemical Society — and the National Academy of Sciences Award in Chemical Sciences in 2019. 


世界十大电子游戏平台, 巴顿 attended an all-girl’s high school in the Bronx but did not study chemistry while there. “当我去十大电竞游戏综合排名时,化学成了我的激情所在, from the moment I took [my first class] and got into a lab,”她说。.

早在巴顿成为世界著名化学家之前, the native New Yorker said she chose to attend Barnard largely because of its location. “Barnard had the wonderful characteristic that it was in the city, [whereas] a lot of the other [women’s-only colleges] were sort of out in the country somewhere,巴顿说。, 通过Zoom电话. “当时, 哥伦比亚大学不是男女同校, and Barnard was the place to be if you wanted the college experience, [along with having] total access to the university experience on the other side of Broadway. It was the best of both worlds, and I think that’s still true today.”

巴顿, second from left, with fellow Barnard Medalists in 1990.

十大电竞游戏综合排名毕业后,巴顿获得了博士学位.D. in inorganic chemistry from Columbia in 1978 and returned to the university in 1983 as an assistant professor of chemistry. She became an associate professor of chemistry and biological sciences in 1985 — and the following year, the first woman in Columbia’s chemistry department to receive tenure. 通过她对DNA化学的研究, 巴顿 has mentored more than 100 graduate students and postdoctoral students, including fellow alumna and Barnard associate professor of chemistry 玛丽莎C. Buzzeo ’01, who worked in 巴顿’s laboratory at Caltech as a postdoctoral scholar.

描述:巴顿节, which welcomed many of 巴顿's former students and postdocs, 包括玛丽莎C. Buzzeo“01.

“I like teaching [and initially] wanted to be a high school teacher, 然后可能是大学老师, until I decided that what I really loved was research,巴顿说。. 2001年,她与人共同创立了这家公司 GeneOhm科学, to create new technologies to diagnose and treat diseases by finding mutations in DNA, she was proud to have brought many of her former students in to collaborate with her. 

Even though GeneOhm科学 was sold to global medical device company BD around 2010, 巴顿 has not stopped probing DNA or finding new ways to shoot electrons through them. “我的科学是我的爱好, and I look at it in the same way that artists look at their paintings,”她说。. “You may look at films that you make in the same way I think about writing a paper. 在一天结束的时候, I want to reach the point where somebody knows my paper is a ‘Jackie 巴顿 paper' without looking at the authorship. It is very much like your canvas, an expression of you. That sort of creative bent is what makes scientists as creative as artists.”

巴顿’s career has inspired many to pursue 阀杆 goals, and her work in DNA continues to deepen researchers’ understanding into how the chemistry of the complex molecule can help save lives.

*This series is produced in collaboration with Obden Mondésir, associate director of the 十大电竞游戏综合排名档案和特别收藏.


text saying "Year of Science" surrounded by various scientific paraphernalia, 比如烧杯, 齿轮, 还有核符号